file demux 0.1 The demux command-line utility can be used to demultiplex a file to set of files. usage: demux input_file ... Examples: Put all odd bytes into file1 and even bytes to file2: demux file 12 file1 file2 Put all odd bytes into file1 and ignore even bytes: demux file 1. file1 Collect all 1st and 2nd bytes and ignore 3rd bytes in byte triplet: demux file_in 11. file_out Demux 5.1 raw audio file into 6 files (one per channel) demux file.raw 112233445566 FL.raw FR.raw C.raw S.raw RL.raw RR.raw Get front left/right channels and put into stereo raw file demux file.raw 1111........ stereo.raw Let's imagine we have a headerless DBF-file with record length 30 bytes. First field is 5 byte, second is 10 byte and third is 15 bytes. Split it into 3 files: demux file.dbf 111112222222222333333333333333 file1.dat file2.dat file3.dat * DVD example: Extract 5.1 WAV file from VOB: ffmpeg -i file.vob -vn 1.wav -acodec wav Convert it to RAW (cut header): sox 1.wav 1.raw Convert 5.1 RAW audio file to stereo (from front channels) RAW file + center channel: demux 1.raw 111122...... stereo.raw center.raw Convert stereo RAW file back to WAV: sox -r 48000 -b 16 -s -c 2 stereo.raw stereo.wav Convert center mono RAW file back to WAV: sox -r 48000 -b 16 -s -c 1 center.raw center.wav --